Kwa JP TV Show

Genre: Comedy Series
Produced: Sn 1&2 (26 Eps x 26 mins)
Language: Swahili (English subtitles)
Platform: StarTimes – March 2017


A situational comedy tied to a small roadside hotel – Kwa JP – owned by a traffic police man. He employs Kims, who is cousin of his from the village, to manage the place. Kims comes to Nairobi with an old inherited car which he turns into a taxi without JP knowing. Annie is the service girl and an accounts student in a dingy collage in town. She takes advantage of free WIFI at collage to download Latino series that she sells undercover with
assistance of Pinches – a matatu tout – who is attracted to her and sells DVDs as he touts. JP has had too many run-ins with Pinches on the road so they don’t see eye to eye.